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Monday, 31 October 2011

Room Makeover, again!

So I've been crazy and decorated my room AGAIN! This is the third time within one year that i have done it, it has been black/silver/plum, black/silver/white, and then pink/silver/white... I must be mad, although i must admit i do love it so much more now, its nice and fresh and natural... calm room; calm mind! I thought id just post a couple of pictures for you all... Some of the pictures are from when it wasn't completely finished so on the wall paper you may see bits over hanging at the top... they are not there no more as obviously i trimmed them off :)

I decided to go with the scheme colours cream/gold/magnolia/white ... Just for a little vintage look. My wallpaper is the same as my recent pink and silver one, just in cream and gold. £7.99 per roll, Wilkinsons.

 This little lantern is what i had from Matalan a while ago, so instead of buying new i decided to paint it magnolia :)

Here i have a white wicker heart, £3- Wilkinsons.

Opposite this you can see my black lantern; this had pink flowers so i also painted these magnolia!

This is my new light, a cream chandiller... i love it so much, the pictures don't do it justice at all. £7.99, B&M

 This was originally a bookcase, it was white so i painted it magnolia but left the shelves white. Then i used some of my left over wallpaper and put it along the back.

 Here you can see my light switch, its a bit of a bodge job but i just tried to be creative and use the wallpaper for the pattern effect. You can also see my white wall, and i painted the dado Magnolia.
And lastly this is the only pillow i have on my bed at the minute, sobs :( None of my other pillows now go, so i only have this one as i need to buy new, and also i need to buy new bedding! £4, Primark

It didn't cost me that much to change the colour scheme of my room, so it just shows that you don't have to spend a lot to get your room how you want it. I shall update you all when its properly finished :) xxxx

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