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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

#4 WanderingWednesday..

First of all i would like to apologise for not blogging since last week... From Thursday through to Saturday i was poorly and just did not feel up to it at all, but fear not i am back! :) I went back to work on Saturday, and i also worked Sunday. Sunday night came and i sat thinking about things, and once again i thought of crazy things... I decided i wanted to decorate my room, AGAIN! If you've seen my recent posts you will know i am always changing my room, and i love buying new things for it. Since last October (10) when my Dad passed away, i decorated my room black/silver/plum... I then decided this was to dark so i changed the plum to white... Then i decided it did not go, so i changed my black and silver to silver and pink, then obviously i hate white walls... Now i have gone a different way altogether & decided to make my room a lot more vintage! Im going to do a post on my room makeover, so I'm not going to go into too much detail about it in this post!
On Monday i went & got my wallpaper, and Monday night consisted of stripping the wallpaper that was up, & then pasting my new one on! On Tuesday i decided to do a bit of DIY, and saved myself a lot of money. Instead of buying new furnishings for my room to match the decor, i instead painted the ones i already had!
Today is Wednesday & I'm currently babysitting... Im not too sure how long for but i suspect it will be until tonight, so i haven't really got much planned... So i will defo be writing up my new room post for you all! Im very gutted to be honest today... For those of you that don't know, i am obsessed with JLS, and they are at our local radio station today at 3pm doing their radio tour, but i can't go with me baby sitting .... SUCKS!! The only thing keeping me happy is that i know i will be seeing them again in March for their actual tour :D ... This actually changed, i managed to see them!!! Eeeeks! I have lots of photo's, so il also do a post on that too :)
I don't really have any plans for tomorrow, I'm supposed to be seeing a friend i haven't seen for a while; but whether i will or not i do not know!
As for Friday I'm back to work, and I'm working all weekend once again... I really need to find myself a job that is Monday-Friday as i hate being off work whist everyone else is still at work!

Hoping you all have a good weekend!
With Love xxxx

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