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Thursday, 23 February 2012

March Wants... Topshop!

Okay so I've not lost the plot.. i know its not March just yet, but heres a few things on my wish list for March!

1. VECTRA3 Studded Slippers- Slipper Styled Loafer, Topshop £28.00
These shoes are just so nice. Ive seen them on a few people and i just love the studs! So pretty and the colour is lovely especially for the summer months ahead!
2. Full Skirted Playsuit, Topshop £46.00
This playsuit has just arrived at Topshop and once again it never fails, wow! The cute cat collared look with the leopard pattern just sets off the plainness of the play suit.. a must have i think!
3. Pink Padded Heart Bag, Topshop £25.00
This bag is too cute, defo a must have for all those summer outings!
4. Kintted Stud Cross Jumper, Topshop £44.00
I so nearly brought this the other day.. a lady was trying it on and it just looks fab! Im still tempted to buy it.. i guess i will just wait till payday! Im loving all the crosses that are suddenly in fashion atm!
5. Embellished Cut Out Dress by Rare, Topshop £22.00 (sale, was £55.00)
This dress is gorgeous and such a bargin, but as it is in the sale its only available in size 14 which is a little too big for me which is a gutting! But I'm still putting it on my wish list cause its so pretty! I have a dress similar to this with the sides cut out, just mine is plain black at the top and the bottom is leopard print!
6. Feather Anklet, Topshop £7.50
This anklet just screams out summer to me. I can imagine it on my ankle as I'm sat on a boat cruising the river on holiday abroad... keep wishing nat ay! Such pretty colours, i can't wait to get one!

These are the things I've got my eye on at the moment.. Topshop always seems to have my wages but can you blame me with the gorge stuff they keep bringing out :) What do you have your eye on??


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Talk of Bourjois!

Hi lovely's! This is gonna be just a quick post as I'm having to rush it so it may not be as detailed as id like but hey ho here goes... Recently i was recommended by a friend to buy some makeup products from the brand 'Bourjois'... Being a Boots lover i went in and luckily found that products from this brand were on offer, 3 for 2! The prices are a little high for the amount that you get in a product (in my own opinion), but seen as this offer was on i couldn't resist!

Ive never used anything from this selection before, and I don't know too much about it, but I'm sure for the prices they will be worth it... I have used these once and i like them so far so thumbs up for now!

Firstly the blush... Very cute packaging, £7.49, colour, (48) Cendre De Rose Brune.
This blush is quite good- most blushers seem to loose so much when using a brush so that you can apply it .. excessive waste! This however doesn't loose that much, and the colour is really nice especially when its on the apple of your cheeks!

Bronzing powder! For years i have used bronzing balls from Avon, but i was so bored of them and i just think they are lacking something as a product, so I've opted for this after hearing great things about it.  £6.99. I love this packaging, its like a little book and then inside it looks like chocolate, it even smells like chocolate too! Its really good when its on too as it gives you a lovely bronzed look.. id defo recommend this, especially for summer!

Lastly, lipgloss! Im not really a glossy girl- i prefer my lipstick. Once again for a change i thought id try the gloss. I picked up the 3D Effect- Volume & Shine Elixir. It states on the packaging that it moisturises for 8 hours... id probably say 5 hours at the most!

I got it in the colour (04) Rose Polemic. It looks very pink when you look at it, but once its on to me it just looks clear with a slight tint to it. It does smell really nice and makes your lips nice and soft.

Using the offer that was on in boots i saved £6.99 which is always a good thing! I will continue to use these, hopefully i will be able to give some more feedback once I've started to use them more regulary!

Do any of you use any product from this brand?


Tuesday, 21 February 2012

A 'NEW' Lush for your hair!

This is just a short post on an amazing new product i have recently purchased at Lush! The other day at work i was complaining to one of the girls about my hair, saying how its just not growing. I told her i used the Lee Stafford products (you can find reviews on my blog here and here) and that ive just not really seen a difference. She told me about this product and i went straight to Lush to buy it, anything is worth a try!

Basically this is called 'New'. It costs £5 for one bar, and it lasts for approximately 80 washes! I can believe this as I've used it once and the amount of lather that you get on your hair is just amazing! It is indeed a shampoo, which contains natural extracts to help stimulate your scalp and help your hair to grow!
The websites description states:

'New Shampoo bar has two tasks; to give amazing shine and stimulate hair follicles to maximise growth.
Nettle and peppermint infusions give shine to the hair.
Rosemary and nettle absolutes are included to protect, soothe and clear the scalp and also give shine.
We have included bay oil, clove bud oil, and cinnamon leaf oil, which together work to stimulate the scalp and hair follicles for healthy hair growth. Peppermint oil stimulates the blood flow, which in turn gives follicles a boost'

I obviously couldn't take pictures of how to lather the bar up, or what it looks like when lathered as i didn't want to get any water damage on my iPhone, so my plan is that when i was my hair again tomorrow i will get someone to take pictures for me so that you can all see what its like. Basically in a nutshell you wet it just like a bar of soap, you rub it a couple of times on the back of your head, then put it down just as you would with soap and just lather it up in your hair. I felt off 3 rubs like id used half a bottle of shampoo it lathers that much, its just fab! The smell is very strong; cinnamon, rosemary and nettle and peppermint are just a few of the natural ingredients in it, but you still use just a normal conditioner after washing your hair with this, which actually helps to calm the smell down. 
When i used it on my hair it left it feeling like i had intact got new hair. It wasn't as busy as it usually is after washing, it was soft and straighter, and it just felt so healthy with a lovely shine to it. 
Id recommend buying a soap dish or a little bowl to put this into so that it can dry out properly before your next use. It is honestly amazing, I've read some reviews too on Lush's website stating that people have had their bar for 3 months and its still the same size! Really good value for money!
My first impression of this product is a good one, and id rate it 9/10 even after only using it once.. i can just tell these are going to be a hit!
The 'New' bars are available inshore or online at Look out for my upcoming mini tutorial of how to use this product if you are unsure of how it works. 

Have you tried this out yet? 

Monday, 20 February 2012

Welcome me to Tumblr!

Yes lovely's i now have Tumblr! Im still getting used to using it, but I've discovered some beautiful ones out there! Be sure to follow me on Tumblr... nataleaaablogs <3

Early bird catches the worm!

Hey lovely's! I know it's very early for a post but I just wanted to let you all know that I've just discovered blogger for my iPhone! Blogging is going to be so much easier now as il be able to blog on the go!

Im off to work later on but I'm just about to write up a new post for tonight so look out for it :)

Do any of you use this app? Have a lovely day! <3


Sunday, 19 February 2012

ShoeDazzle, love!

Shoes shoes and more shoes, where do i start with this little post?! These are one of my most recent purchases. A couple of weeks ago i noticed that the gorgeous Kim Kardashian's UK Shoe Dazzle website was due to close down... Im unsure of the reasons but i know it has now in fact gone! The shoes are only available now in the USA (! Anyway i saw some beauty of shoes and i just had to buy them! I was unsure at first because when i saw them on the model on the picture i was a bit like hmmm are they going to look as nice in real life, but i took the plunge and splashed out on them. Here they are...

Im so happy with them words can't describe it! There are intact more pink in real life as for some reason they look more purple on the photo's, but they are just fab! Some of you may think they are a bit cheap looking or tacky, but i just love the gold glitter wedge, and i think that they will look stunning with a nice dress. The shoes were originally £65 i think, and i got them for £35. I was told that during the last few days of the sale they did intact like all the other beautiful shoes go down to £9.99! But its a good job i didn't wait till the very end cause i don't think they had my size!

I love shoes, i may not wear them all the time but they look gorge on my shoe rack which is a bonus on its own i suppose! Im hoping that the wedge will be in this summer again to as then i will get more use out of them :)

Have you had any Kim Kardashian Shoe Dazzles?

Friday, 17 February 2012

February beauty haul x

This is just a tiny little haul for you guys.. I'm not including my clothes purchases into this as i can do them in one big ootd!
I ran out of a few essentials so i obviously had to go out and buy some more... here goes,

So basically here are the few things I've recently brought...
Left to Right:

1)I love... Strawberries & Milkshake exfoliating shower smoothie
2)Simple hydrating light moisturiser
3)Miss Cole shampoo
4)Miss Cole conditioner
5)Palmers Cocoa Butter
6)Miss Sporty pump up lash mascara- 001 Black
7)Miss Sporty liquid concealer- 002 Medium

All products apart from the mascara and concealer were brought from Superdrug, and can be found in store and online here.
Mascara and Concealer from Boots.

  • First of we have the I love exfoliating shower smoothie. Ive not used this product yet, and i have never actually used it. If you saw one of my older posts (you can find it here  if not) on a product similar to this you will know i usually use 'The Pink Cow Strawberry Sundae'. I did actually intend on buying this from boots but they were out of stock so i had to get this one from Superdrug for £2.05, which is intact dearer than the one i usually use.. so I'm hoping it is just as good! Im not going to say much on this product as i will probably review it once i use it and do a comparison with my original favourite. It is a 200ml bottle, and it smells really nice! The packaging is quite cute too with the little love hearts on the front!

  • I usually use Simple products for my face as i find that they don't do much for the rest of my skin. The light moisturiser is perfect for my face as it isn't too thick and heavy. This is a 125ml bottle, which costs £3.25. I get this one as it helps to hydrate your skin which obviously is a vital thing in a skin care regime.

  • Shampoo & Conditioner... where do you start?! Ive tried so many makes and brands that I'm sure I've actually tried them all! From making your hair dry to colour fading.. so much to think about when picking these! I usually use the L'oreal highlighting one for blonde hair.. but i was in Superdrug and saw these and thought id give them a go! Im not too sure on the brand as Miss Cole is obviously new, and I've not heard much about them. The shampoo is 99p! and the conditioner is £1.99. I have used these once and I'm 50/50 at the minute in terms of what i think of them, the bottles are both 300ml which is a lot for how cheap they cost, and they do smell really nice. I love the packaging cause its so pretty and girly and anyone who knows me knows how much i love pink so its quite a bonus for me! The ones i chose are for coloured hair, but there is also a shampoo and conditioner available for normal hair which comes in white bottles. As i mentioned I've used these once, my hair wasn't dull or anything and it did smell lovely and looked clean... so I'm going to continue using them and see how i get on... you can't complain for the price really even if they are just used in between running out of your normal ones!

  • Palmers.. heaven on earth as a moisturiser! I love this so much, its a regular on my skin regime. This bottle is a 250ml bottle, and as soon as you open the lid you smell the gorgeous cocoa butter! At £3.75 i do think the price is a little steep but defo worth it because it just smells so nice and makes your skin so soft! I can't use this on my face as it is a little too greasy for my skin, but this would be the moisturiser i reccomend for anyone, its even really good for after tanning!

  • Mascara, a girls best friend! Just like shampoo and conditioner I've tried so many and i tend to use different ones all the time. I just wanted a cheap one to add on as a last coat, and so i went and brought this Miss Sporty one. This is in the colour Black (001) and costs £3.99 for 7ml. The brush is quite a thick chunky one which i prefer as i think it covers more eyelashes. I was very happy too when i found this in Boots as at the time it was on offer. I can't remember whether it was if you brought anything for £3.99 or just if you brought the mascara, but you got a free liquid concealer which is worth £2.99 and has such good coverage!

So there we have it, my most recent beauty haul! :)


An apple a day keeps the doctor away?

If your a regular reader of my blog, you will of seen that a while back i went out and got a MacBook Pro... if not you can find the mini post here. Since then i fell in love with the way apple software was designed.. I'm still getting used to it but it is just the best in my experience with computers. Anyway after still being excited of this purchase i designed to go out and add some more apple in my life...

Da daaaa! Yes the one and only iPhone 4S! I did have a Blackberry Bold 9700 in white.. but i just couldn't stand it any longer. Constant crashing, really slow.. always having to do battery pulls which took a lifetime to restart.. urgh! So i went out and made the move onto this baby and i couldn't be happier. It is THE best phone I've ever had. Theres so many things on it you can just never be bored! Im obviously a little late on the bandwagon as the iPhone 5 is due to come out soon, but i have now found a new best friend in Siri, and i give it massive 10/10 at the minute as i have found no flaws to it!


Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Love is in the air...

What better day to return to blogging.. Valentines Day!
Ive been so busy lately i have just had to take some time out from blogging, but I'm back and hopefully for good! Sometimes I'm finding blogging a bit tedious as i don't receive much feedback so sometimes i wonder why i continue, but then i remember that i like to blog and i enjoy reading others... so instead of quitting I'm going to try harder!

Anyway on to more important things, happy Valentines! I hope you've all had a lovely day & continue to do so this evening! Ive really enjoyed myself today as I've been spoilt (we all love this) and its just been such a nice smooth day. I woke up to find the nicest presents ever! After being all happy happy over these, i painted my nails as you can see above! then i went shopping for the afternoon with my mum & spent a little too much money (I'm going to talk about these purchases in my upcoming haul). Tonight I've decided to stay in as everywhere will be busy, so i cooked a roast for my little family and now obviously I'm spending my evening relaxing & writing up this post!

Heres a few pictures of my lovely presents that i received today...

My mum is such a cutie, she brought me the card and the cuddly bear which is on the first picture above.. she never fails each year; she even made me egg on toast for breakfast!!
As you can see my other lovely presents are even fabber, if thats even a word?! Im so so in love with my new Marc by Marc Jacobs watch, it is just beautiful! For any of you wanting to know where to get one if you don't fancy heading to somewhere like Manchester or Birmingham, ASOS currently have a selection online & its free delivery seen as its quite pricey! This one costs £125, & has a real leather strap... it is totally worth the money, & its gonna look even nicer in summer with a nice sun tan :)

Ive loved my Valentines this year.. Ive heard so many people moaning today about it, but at the end of the day if your in a relationship or not you can still show someone you love them be it your mum etc, at the end of the day its another day to share the love.. and moaning doesn't get anyone anywhere or make them any happier! 

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