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Tuesday, 21 February 2012

A 'NEW' Lush for your hair!

This is just a short post on an amazing new product i have recently purchased at Lush! The other day at work i was complaining to one of the girls about my hair, saying how its just not growing. I told her i used the Lee Stafford products (you can find reviews on my blog here and here) and that ive just not really seen a difference. She told me about this product and i went straight to Lush to buy it, anything is worth a try!

Basically this is called 'New'. It costs £5 for one bar, and it lasts for approximately 80 washes! I can believe this as I've used it once and the amount of lather that you get on your hair is just amazing! It is indeed a shampoo, which contains natural extracts to help stimulate your scalp and help your hair to grow!
The websites description states:

'New Shampoo bar has two tasks; to give amazing shine and stimulate hair follicles to maximise growth.
Nettle and peppermint infusions give shine to the hair.
Rosemary and nettle absolutes are included to protect, soothe and clear the scalp and also give shine.
We have included bay oil, clove bud oil, and cinnamon leaf oil, which together work to stimulate the scalp and hair follicles for healthy hair growth. Peppermint oil stimulates the blood flow, which in turn gives follicles a boost'

I obviously couldn't take pictures of how to lather the bar up, or what it looks like when lathered as i didn't want to get any water damage on my iPhone, so my plan is that when i was my hair again tomorrow i will get someone to take pictures for me so that you can all see what its like. Basically in a nutshell you wet it just like a bar of soap, you rub it a couple of times on the back of your head, then put it down just as you would with soap and just lather it up in your hair. I felt off 3 rubs like id used half a bottle of shampoo it lathers that much, its just fab! The smell is very strong; cinnamon, rosemary and nettle and peppermint are just a few of the natural ingredients in it, but you still use just a normal conditioner after washing your hair with this, which actually helps to calm the smell down. 
When i used it on my hair it left it feeling like i had intact got new hair. It wasn't as busy as it usually is after washing, it was soft and straighter, and it just felt so healthy with a lovely shine to it. 
Id recommend buying a soap dish or a little bowl to put this into so that it can dry out properly before your next use. It is honestly amazing, I've read some reviews too on Lush's website stating that people have had their bar for 3 months and its still the same size! Really good value for money!
My first impression of this product is a good one, and id rate it 9/10 even after only using it once.. i can just tell these are going to be a hit!
The 'New' bars are available inshore or online at Look out for my upcoming mini tutorial of how to use this product if you are unsure of how it works. 

Have you tried this out yet? 

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