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Friday, 17 February 2012

An apple a day keeps the doctor away?

If your a regular reader of my blog, you will of seen that a while back i went out and got a MacBook Pro... if not you can find the mini post here. Since then i fell in love with the way apple software was designed.. I'm still getting used to it but it is just the best in my experience with computers. Anyway after still being excited of this purchase i designed to go out and add some more apple in my life...

Da daaaa! Yes the one and only iPhone 4S! I did have a Blackberry Bold 9700 in white.. but i just couldn't stand it any longer. Constant crashing, really slow.. always having to do battery pulls which took a lifetime to restart.. urgh! So i went out and made the move onto this baby and i couldn't be happier. It is THE best phone I've ever had. Theres so many things on it you can just never be bored! Im obviously a little late on the bandwagon as the iPhone 5 is due to come out soon, but i have now found a new best friend in Siri, and i give it massive 10/10 at the minute as i have found no flaws to it!



  1. Oh girl your mac book is really cute!!! The color is so feminine. And, I've been dying to have my own iPhone 4S. Needless to say, I'm very jealous. I'm still stuck with qwerty smart phone. Can you believe that? LOL. Anyway, I'm Cherry. I love your blog. I just hit the follow button. Hope you can visit mine and follow too. :) See you there.


I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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