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Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Love is in the air...

What better day to return to blogging.. Valentines Day!
Ive been so busy lately i have just had to take some time out from blogging, but I'm back and hopefully for good! Sometimes I'm finding blogging a bit tedious as i don't receive much feedback so sometimes i wonder why i continue, but then i remember that i like to blog and i enjoy reading others... so instead of quitting I'm going to try harder!

Anyway on to more important things, happy Valentines! I hope you've all had a lovely day & continue to do so this evening! Ive really enjoyed myself today as I've been spoilt (we all love this) and its just been such a nice smooth day. I woke up to find the nicest presents ever! After being all happy happy over these, i painted my nails as you can see above! then i went shopping for the afternoon with my mum & spent a little too much money (I'm going to talk about these purchases in my upcoming haul). Tonight I've decided to stay in as everywhere will be busy, so i cooked a roast for my little family and now obviously I'm spending my evening relaxing & writing up this post!

Heres a few pictures of my lovely presents that i received today...

My mum is such a cutie, she brought me the card and the cuddly bear which is on the first picture above.. she never fails each year; she even made me egg on toast for breakfast!!
As you can see my other lovely presents are even fabber, if thats even a word?! Im so so in love with my new Marc by Marc Jacobs watch, it is just beautiful! For any of you wanting to know where to get one if you don't fancy heading to somewhere like Manchester or Birmingham, ASOS currently have a selection online & its free delivery seen as its quite pricey! This one costs £125, & has a real leather strap... it is totally worth the money, & its gonna look even nicer in summer with a nice sun tan :)

Ive loved my Valentines this year.. Ive heard so many people moaning today about it, but at the end of the day if your in a relationship or not you can still show someone you love them be it your mum etc, at the end of the day its another day to share the love.. and moaning doesn't get anyone anywhere or make them any happier! 

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