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Sunday, 19 February 2012

ShoeDazzle, love!

Shoes shoes and more shoes, where do i start with this little post?! These are one of my most recent purchases. A couple of weeks ago i noticed that the gorgeous Kim Kardashian's UK Shoe Dazzle website was due to close down... Im unsure of the reasons but i know it has now in fact gone! The shoes are only available now in the USA (! Anyway i saw some beauty of shoes and i just had to buy them! I was unsure at first because when i saw them on the model on the picture i was a bit like hmmm are they going to look as nice in real life, but i took the plunge and splashed out on them. Here they are...

Im so happy with them words can't describe it! There are intact more pink in real life as for some reason they look more purple on the photo's, but they are just fab! Some of you may think they are a bit cheap looking or tacky, but i just love the gold glitter wedge, and i think that they will look stunning with a nice dress. The shoes were originally £65 i think, and i got them for £35. I was told that during the last few days of the sale they did intact like all the other beautiful shoes go down to £9.99! But its a good job i didn't wait till the very end cause i don't think they had my size!

I love shoes, i may not wear them all the time but they look gorge on my shoe rack which is a bonus on its own i suppose! Im hoping that the wedge will be in this summer again to as then i will get more use out of them :)

Have you had any Kim Kardashian Shoe Dazzles?

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