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Thursday, 23 February 2012

March Wants... Topshop!

Okay so I've not lost the plot.. i know its not March just yet, but heres a few things on my wish list for March!

1. VECTRA3 Studded Slippers- Slipper Styled Loafer, Topshop £28.00
These shoes are just so nice. Ive seen them on a few people and i just love the studs! So pretty and the colour is lovely especially for the summer months ahead!
2. Full Skirted Playsuit, Topshop £46.00
This playsuit has just arrived at Topshop and once again it never fails, wow! The cute cat collared look with the leopard pattern just sets off the plainness of the play suit.. a must have i think!
3. Pink Padded Heart Bag, Topshop £25.00
This bag is too cute, defo a must have for all those summer outings!
4. Kintted Stud Cross Jumper, Topshop £44.00
I so nearly brought this the other day.. a lady was trying it on and it just looks fab! Im still tempted to buy it.. i guess i will just wait till payday! Im loving all the crosses that are suddenly in fashion atm!
5. Embellished Cut Out Dress by Rare, Topshop £22.00 (sale, was £55.00)
This dress is gorgeous and such a bargin, but as it is in the sale its only available in size 14 which is a little too big for me which is a gutting! But I'm still putting it on my wish list cause its so pretty! I have a dress similar to this with the sides cut out, just mine is plain black at the top and the bottom is leopard print!
6. Feather Anklet, Topshop £7.50
This anklet just screams out summer to me. I can imagine it on my ankle as I'm sat on a boat cruising the river on holiday abroad... keep wishing nat ay! Such pretty colours, i can't wait to get one!

These are the things I've got my eye on at the moment.. Topshop always seems to have my wages but can you blame me with the gorge stuff they keep bringing out :) What do you have your eye on??



  1. That second dress is totally fab! i want it too :))
    cool blog btw! follow u! xx

    1. Isn't it just :) Thanks for the follow, followed you back :) xx

  2. I want everything here! Especially the cut out dress, it's stunning xx

    1. I think that's my favourite too! So tempted to buy it and hope it fits lol xx

  3. love the shoes!
    i just followed you btw x

    check out my blog xo


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