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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Bits & Bobs xox

As you all know i have been in the process of revamping my room. I think i am almost done (even though i am unsure about my wallpaper!)... but i still keep buying little bits and bobs to make it just that little bit better. 
Here are a few i have purchased recently.

BHS, £4

Here we have a little butterfly dish! I'm not entirely sure what it is for but i loved it! My mum thinks it is for like putting snacks in if you have a garden party, but i had other ideas! I'm using it to place my everyday jewellery/essentials in!
It looks so pretty just sat there on my dressing table, and such a great bargin! I have however seen some of these in a shop called B&M for like 40p, so i am a little disappointed!

Next off i purchased this lovely little piece to compliment my light pull/cord
B&M, £1.49
This is such a little cute accessory! My old light pull/cord was plain and boring and simple! This has truely vamped it up!

Here we have my new clock! Now i am never usually a fan of clocks as i cannot stand that ticking sound! But i couldn't help myself with this little beauty!
B&M, £6.99
Is is a standard clock but just more funky! It has 12 different photo frames, 1 places on the hour, and you can pop your own photo's inside! How cool! Im yet to put my own pictures in but i will do it soon!

& last but not least storage. My dressing table has a shelf underneath the draw, and no matter how many ways i arrange my bottles it still always looked a mess, but fear no more... i now have a solution!

These are fab! I love the colours! Before i had those cardboard storage boxes that had patterns on and they just fastened together, but these are so much better!
B&M, £1.99 each
I ended up buying 4 of these, two for the top and two for the bottom. You can get them in different colour's and styles, but this pink zebra print caught my eye!

They are also quite spacious inside. I now have one for body care products, one for hair care products, and the other two i have not sorted out yet. Now my dressing table looks more more tidier and funkier!

Have you seen any bargain buys around lately?! xxxxxx

OOTD 30/08/11

             Hello again you beautiful people :)
I thought i would do a quick OOTD post for you all!
I haven't been well for the past 5 days, but today i am feeling slightly better and have braved getting ready. It's only a quick outfit that i chucked on as i cant really be bothered, so i've kept it quite simple!

Cardy: Dotty P's, approx £28
Top: BHS, £15
Leggings: Primark, £2
Belt: Dotty P's, £6

Please ignore my horrible hair! I'm currently going through a waiting process before i have it done as i last had it dyed at the end of June, and i am waiting another 4 weeks, just to try and get some condition back in it!
As i mentioned i just shoved this outfit on but i thought i would share it all with you!
I haven't got any jewellery on today as i just wanted to feel a little bit comfy!
I'm really sad that we have had no summer, but at the same time i cant wait for winter to come which i think is just around the corner... so get out your chunky knits and cardy's... heaven :)

What are your most casual outfits? xxxxxx

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Hair care

So the other day i was wondering round Tesco doing the local shop and i came across this...
I do use the L'Oreal Paris Elvive shampoo and conditioner for highlighted hair, but they didn't have any of this featured product that matched my usual selection so i opted to try this.
It is a 'Nutri-Gloss light conditioning shine spray for daily gloss' It is for 'Mid to long, fine hair that turns greasy' . It cost me £3.79, and it is a 200ml bottle. The smell of this product is gorgeous, every time i spray it i feel like i have washed my hair!
It is 'a leave in shine enhancing conditioner that you can use everyday, a spray that's light and quick to use'
The idea of this spray is that as mentioned it is a leave in conditioner. You can use this on dry or wet hair. I have actually tried it both ways and it works just as well. It leaves your hair really soft and smelling lovely, and also gives a nice little shine to it. 
I will always be using this product from now on as it has just made such a massive difference to the way my hair looks once it is styled. 
'Results: Weightless detangling, mirror shine & cashmere touch'

What to you use to maintain your hairs condition? xxxxx

I'm back with an apology!

Hi guys! I just wanted to write a quick little blog post as i haven't blogged in what feels like sooo long and i wanted to apologise to you all! 
I have been sooo busy with different things. First off i was not very well with a really bad migraine for the best part of 4 days, then i went to Llandudno with my mum... I've had other family commitments as right now its a tricky time. Also i have had friend commitment's! And then there's work.... I've pretty much being working full day and today is my first day off after doing 5 days, and i'm back in tomorrow to do another 4, lovely ay!
Anyway i just wanted to apologise as i said earlier so i'm very sorry as i know some of you think that you have to blog each day but sometimes life just gets in the way... anyhow i'm back now & i will right a short review on a product i have recently purchased a bit later on for you all :) Hope your all well, and thanks for sticking with me!

What have you been up to recently? xxxxxxx

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Primark & New Look HAUL

As i'm on a roll with blogging once again tonight, i thought i may as well do my first ever haul blog for you all seen as i have posted my first ever OOTD :)
Over the past week i have brought a number of little things & i think you will all love them so i'l get straight on to it! (Please ignore my hair my roots are a disgrace & my hair is blonde not a dirty yellow which it seems to look like on these photo's!)

Top: Primark £6
White vest: Primark £1
Jean's are old from Topshop £35
Boots: New Look £30

Both of the tops here are from Primark £4 each, Jeans & Boots as mentioned above.

Once again the top is from Primark £6, Vest Jeans & Boots as mentioned above!

These are the boots that are featured in my previous pictures, High top lace ups in Suade, £30 New Look

Here i have on a sleep suit! Yes they are back with high demand and i am loving this one, the pattern is just gorgeous!

         Sleep suit, Primark £10

Next i purchased these great bargings! This funky bath mat was just £1 from Primark! Look at the beautiful Leopard print pattern!

My last purchases were an eyeshadow pallette, 50p Primark, and a 'Take a Brow' eyebrow kit, £2.00 (Primark again, both in the sale!)

So this has been my very first haul and what a long one it has been!
I hope you have enjoyed it & as i mentioned in my previous blogs please feel free to comment!

Have you done any hauls just recently? xxxxxxx

The Vintage Cave, Pt.2!

As you all know my lovely friend Olivia and her boyfriend have their own jewelery range out at the moment. (click here to see some of their fabulous stock!) I have blogged about my first purchase with them which you can all see here if you haven't already. 
I noticed that she had a similar but new design out to the bracelet that i had previously brought, so as you do i couldn't resist!... 

The picture on the left is the bracelet that i ordered, and the cute little pouch that i received it in, isn't she lovely! On the right you may be wondering why i have a picture of three bracelet's and not two... well that's because the middle one was a little freebie :p
The bracelet on the right of the right side picture is my first purchase from The Vintage Cave, which has two dangley love hearts at the side. The one that i ordered which is on the left of the right picture has smaller beads, and just one dangley heart at the bottom. As you can see they are both merged colour's with blue and pink, i LOVE them! They also both cost £5.
The bracelet that is in the middle on the right picture is so cute and I'm really chuffed that i was lucky to have it as an 'extra' :) It has a metallic (light) shade of purple as the colour for the beads, and has two silver bars with a light blue love heart type stone, it is perfect for in between my other two bracelet's!
I really recommend you to go and have a look at the other bracelet's that they make, and necklace's too as they are so lovely and are really good for the money!

Have you purchased any items from The Vintage Cave? xxxxxx

OOTD 9/8/11

Hello lovely's! Here is my very first shot at an OOTD! I've never done one of these before, and so i hope you like it... here goes!

Here i totally went for something different! Now that the weather is slowly turning, i find it hard to choose what to wear on a day to day basis, as one day it is rain and the next sunshine! On this specific day i went for a Primark inspirational look as i was in a little rush and couldn't be bothered! (yes this is possible!)
Each thing i am wearing (bar the necklace is in fact from Primark! Usually i wouldn't do this but these clothes can be found in places such as Topshop etc so i was not too fussed!
To start off with here is a list of the prices:
Black top: £1.00
Beige loose holey cardy/waist coat (thingy): £6
Pleated maxi skirt: £12
Tan belt: £1
Precious stone ring: £2.50
Precious stone bracelet: £1.50/£2
Bird's cage necklace: £2 (New Look sale)

 Soo this is my first outfit of the day as i mentioned earlier, what do you all think? Please feel free to let me know if you would like to see more of these... I hope your all well :)

What outfit's do you like to throw together? xxxxx

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Semi- Precious x

You have probably all seen these, but seen as i am on a roll with my blogging today i thought i would just let you all know about them...
Primark have had some lovely jewelery in just recently, and i came across these pieces....

Both of the rings were £2.50 each, one is a white stone inside a darkened gold ring, and the other is a silver ring containing a greeny/bluey/ coloured stone.
I also managed to find a bracelet that matched this ring for £1.50/£2.00, with the same coloured precious stone hanging from the bottom.
The earring's were £1.50 and are so pretty when in, they are on a gold dropper style stud, with a light pink precious stone at the end.
The bracelet at the bottom actually matches these earring's, and is so pretty! Its on a small rope type bracelet, and has a bird and dragonfly on it with the pink precious stones. I can't remember if this was £1.50 or £2.00
These are total must haves this season and are selling out quite quickly!

Are you a fan of the semi-precious stones? xxxxxx

Those little things...

It seems that i cannot stop buying little decorative things for my bedroom! I had a trip to Matalan the other night and there is so many beautiful items for the home, i just want them all!
Anyway i just wanted to share with you some of the purchases i got as i love them & i hope you all do too!
First off i brought these gorgeous pillows to add to my bed! They were £8 each, a bit pricey i know but they just look and feel amazing. The feel is silky, and as you can see they are a fushia pink, with a large diamante stone in the middle, fab or what!

& there we have it, my pretty pillows! <3 

Next i spotted this lovely little object in the clearance area... This was £2.50! Can you believe it?! It started off at £10, then was reduced to £5, and then obviously £2.50! Its a hanging lantern as you can see, once again in a pinky colour! It also has a gorgeous tassel that hangs down in white!

I then just nipped to Asda for some new candles as i had run out, and i ended up with these little smelly's....

 The one on the left was £1.50 i think and has a pomegranate smell, i ended up having two, and then the one in the right is a pack of 3 vanilla candles for £1 (The candle holder is my own in which i have 3 of these)

I love buying little things every now and again to make it feel all homely... 
What do you like to buy for your room? xxxx

Its that time again...

So lovely's, its that time again when tooth care becomes a pain! It seems things always run out at the same time! It was time for me to purchase a new toothbrush, and i needed some new toothpaste and mouthwash as well! I hate shopping for these products, as i don't think any toothpaste actually does what it is meant to do. 
 After shopping around Tesco for a little while i spotted what i was going to buy.
Every time i need to replace my toothbrush i always end up buying a new type just to see if i can find a really good one. This time i opted for one of Tesco's own brand. It cost £1.99 and is just so cool! Its such a pretty pink colour... the only downside is the shape of it. This toothbrush has a built-in device that tells you when you need to replace your toothbrush; by gradually spelling out 'replace' at the bottom over the weeks. The downside is it actually looks like a pregnancy test from the bottom! But who's to judge as it is only a toothbrush!
Next i found my toothpaste! I had seen adverts about this and i wanted to try it out but couldn't get my hands on it for a while. It is Colgate's new Max White; One. It cost's in between £4-£5. This toothpaste contains ingredients similar to those that a dentist would use when going for a clean up! It states that after using it 3 times a day for a week, your teeth should be one shade whiter. I am putting this to the test and shall let you all know how i get on! (I cannot take pictures of the progress as one i don't think teeth are a pretty image to look at, and two i hate my teeth!
Lastly i found my mouth wash, Listerine total care costing £2. I've never used this product before, but i can safely say it does the job, you can actually feel it stinging once in your mouth, and leaves a lovely fresh breath :)

So that is my new tooth care range for the moment!
What is your tooth care regime? xxxxxxxx

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