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Monday, 28 November 2011

Time goes by..

Sooo its been over a week since I've been able to blog! Ive been so so busy... I haven't forgotten you all though don't worry!
It was my birthday on the 22nd of Novemeber! I am now officially 23! Boooo! I spent the day working but then i went out for some yummy food at Frankie & Benny's with a few close friends which turned out to be a real lovely evening :)  Il post a few pictures for you all to see below this post!
Since then all i seem to of done is work! Ive picked up a lot more hours at work which I'm really happy about as it will obviously give me more wages for over the christmas period. Work itself is really busy because of christmas, so by the time i come home at night I'm just too shattered to do anything, but I'm going to try to blog a few posts ahead of schedule so that they're all up and ready :)
My no smoking is still continuing... it will be 3 weeks tomorrow! Which I'm really happy with!

Hope your all well! Enjoy the rest of you week <3


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Im as free as my hair...

So as you all know a while back i decided to try out a new product that Lee Stafford had launched. Basically it is called 'For hair that never grows past a certain length; treatment' (£7.99 for 200ml)  ... You can find my review on it here. It is simply a cream treatment that you put on between washes which helps to strengthen your follicles on the scalp to allow your hair to grow to its potential length. Im still using the same pot of this as i haven't been using it that much because i had my hair cut quite short, but for the past couple of weeks i have used it frequently and shall continue to do so.
Anyhow the other day before work i was wandering around boots and i noticed that some of the hair care products had offers on, and some of Lee Stafford's was included in this. I decided to purchase the 'Hair Growth' shampoo and conditioner so that i can get the maximum effects out of using all of the three products. The shampoo and conditioner retail at £6.99 each, but the current offer was two products for £9!

The shampoo and conditioner bottles are both 200ml bottles, so there is not much in terms of it being quite expensive for a shampoo/conditioner. The packaging is clearly pink just like the treatment tub, which i really like as it makes it stand out. The shampoo and the conditioner does have slightly more information on the packaging informing you of what it actually does...

'This scalp stimulating, moisture balancing shampoo with Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, helps to stimulate blood flow to the root of the hair, giving better body and leaving your scalp and hair feeling softer, smoother and healthier'
'Apple and Lemon Extracts add shine to your locks, whilst antioxidant Green Tea Extract helps protect your hair from environmental and heat damage, reducing free radical formation caused by UV and heat styling'

Ive used this product today for the first time. Im not too sure on my opinion at the moment as it is kind of a mixed reaction. My hair has gone super straight but still has volume which is always a bonus, but at the same time it does feel a little dry. I suppose i can't complain as it is not a normal shampoo conditioner which is quite thick in texture making your hair soft...  the whole point is to make your hair grow. Alls i can do for now is continue to use the products and once they have all ran out i shall let you know my thoughts, and whether i shall be continuing to buy them! I am hoping for them to work as i do want my hair to grow; dying it doesn't really help though!

Have you tried these products before? xxxxx
(All prices based on Boots)


Say ma name; Say ma name.

Attention all bloggers, i need help! I really need a new name for my blog, I'm close to getting to my first 50 followers which i think is really good, i appreciate all your comments... and so i wanted you all to help me think up a brand new name for my blog! I want something vintage-sounding, if thats even a phrase? lol...
It used to be 'Is a Girls World', but that's a bit tacky so for now it is just Nataleaaa!
Anyway I'm up for all suggestions so come and hit me with them!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Winter essentials!

Firstly let me say.. I cannot believe that it is November 18th already... half way through the month! Christmas is vastly approaching us, and the cold days/nights are slowly arriving. Its that time of the year were we need to take care of our skin as the cold can make it dry/sore. Here are just a few of my winter essentials to help protect myself from the horrid weather!
These are amiable from any beauty shop... Boots or Superdrug. They are all great value for money and last quite a long time! I use these on a daily basis... but as it tends to get colder i find myself using the body butter more as it is more thicker and gives more moisture!

Vaseline- Cocoa Butter, deep conditioning body lotion with cocoa butter and Vitamin E, 200ml £3.55
Vaseline- Cocoa Butter, smoothing body butter with cocoa and shea butters, 250ml £5.10
Vaseline- Petroleum jelly, 20g £1.40
Vaseline- Petroleum jelly; Rosy lips, 20g £1.99
(all prices are based upon buying online from Boots)

 You may wonder why all of these are 'Vaseline' ... Its because i find for my skin it is the best make to use. Johnson's for example always seems to leave a greasy feel, and it doesn't soak into my skin properly. The two Vaseline lip therapy pots are my most used. I use the original blue one all the time, and towards winter and then in summer i use the Rosy lips for just a hint of pink!

What are your winter essentials?

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Plain & Simple!

A few people have been asking me about this shirt... So i thought id share it with you as a quick OOTD!

Please excuse the bit of mess that you can see of my room! It always gets messy as I'm getting ready... Im also hiding my face as i hadn't done my makeup at this point lol.

I was going for some food around a friends house, and seen as she was cooking i thought id make a little effort with my clothing... but as we weren't actually going anywhere i kept it plain and simple!

As you can see my hair is a normal undo... a high top bun!
Shirt: Dorothy Perkins, £17 (in the sale)
Leggings: Primark, £3
The shirt is actually longer at the back than it is at the front, its sleeveless as you can see... and the colour just stands out making a simple outfit that little bit better!


These boots were made for walking...

So i once again didn't manage to get a 'Wandering Wednesday' post to you all yesterday as i was mega busy... so i thought i would post this instead! Heres just a few pictures of my week since Sunday!
Sunday night after work i went to a local pub with a few mates for the pub quiz and a few well earned glasses of wine! Turned out to be a funny night! My next highlight was Tuesday, after working for ( hours i came out of work to find the amazing Coca-Cola Christmas truck in our town! It was so beautiful, just like the one off the tele! Lol. Following this i had a busy pamper night (which included using different Barry M nail paint for the colours of the boys!) as on Wednesday i got up at 5.10am, left the house at 6.10am and made my way to Manchester! I was planning on seeing JLS at their signing for their new album Jukebox. We arrived there at 7.30am, wristbands went meant to be given out until 8am, but it turned out 400 people decided to camp out on Tuesday night and they had all gone! So unfair! After this we decided to walk around Manny for a bit. I love it there, its where i want to live! I also went to the Trafford Centre as wel as being in Manchester Picadilly... There Christmas tree is amazing! It has eyes, nose & a mouth... AND it sings Christmas songs!! .... On the way back to the car i saw the amazing lamp that is posted as a picture above! Im not sure how much it was as i didn't have time to look... But it is so cool ha ha! After this we travelled back home, went for a meal then i came home and went to bed... tired wasn't the word!
Back to work for me tonight until Sunday! I wanted to go and see Braking Dawn Prt.1 tomorrow night but i think our local cinema is fully booked so il just have to wait!

Have a good weekend...
With love

Monday, 14 November 2011

Cheetah.. literally!

This is just a short and sweet post... recently had a new coat! Ive been wanting a 'leopard print' faux fur coat for a while now, but when i came across this i HAD to buy it! Its like cheetah spots, faux fur; and the hood has two ears on it! It is so cute and so so warm i love it! It was £30, I'm not too sure of the what the shop is called as it is new and not a big branded shop. The carrier bags also don't have their name on it, so next time I'm in town i shall find out for you all!


New mission...

Hey lovely's! Hope your all well!
Ive had a new mission for myself since i last blogged. Some of you may be shocked with what I'm about to say, others may not even care but I'm going to share it with you all :)

Since year 9 at school, i have in fact smoked. This is due to being so stressed with family illnesses starting back then, and i guess i just carried on as i believe it helped me through the bad times! As most of you are aware i lost my Dad last year through bone & lung cancer, so i defo shouldn't smoke! I carried on smoking to try to ease the pain and my nerves but obviously it is just in my head that 'fags' help me feel better!

Anyway on Tuesday the 8th November, i decided to quit! No reason behind it other than i need to and i shouldn't even smoke! I just woke up and said to myself, I'm fed up of wasting over £6 a time to smoke, its horrible and i don't need to do it... and now here we are, Monday night... Almost tuesday! It has been a whole week tomorrow! Im really proud of myself for finally doing it!

I hate seeing people smoke, especially girls. It looks and smells horrible! Im sad that it has taken me until now to finally quit but better late than never ay?

So thats my secret, and my new mission... Feel free to give me some support as i fear i will need all the encouragement i can get as it gets harder!

Lots of love

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

JLS Lovers...

Hey! Quick post for any JLS lovers out there... Heres a link to a competition currently going on to win a chance to meet them on tour... Make sure you enter, i have!

Enter here!!
(( ))

New edition to Barry M..

So you all must know by now how much i love Barry M! Anyway this is just a quite post too show you my two most recent editions to my Barry M nail paint collection!

150 Red Glitter (137)
 54 Clear (139)

These two nail paints are amazing! Ive literally had so many comments about the red glitter one it is un true!

Firstly the clear on is a 'base coat, top coat and nail hardener' ... Please don't think that this is like any other clear nail varnish as it is not! I put this on as a base coat before putting the glitter paint on, then i put two coats on top thinking it would be the same as normal... wrong!! Omg this actually helps to seal in the colour and stops it from chipping! My job usually ruins my nails but with this on they were protected and had hardly any chips! Also it took me 30 solid minutes to take off my nail varnish seen as i put too much of this on so i would recommend just the one coat before and after!

Ono the red glitter... I saw this and thought thats really pretty, especially for christmas. I put it on and i was amazed! So much glitter my nails looked fab! Everywhere I've been people have asked me what nail paint it is and i know the shops by me have now sold out of it! I managed to get these two paints from Boots for £2.99 each on offer. Im unsure if you can get it from the Barry M website or not as i haven't checked!

The pictures you will see below are the red glitter with the clear on underneath and on top. You will see i currently only have my tips painted with it as it took me too long to take off the full nail paint so i didn't have long to re-paint them.

(please ignore any bodged bits as my hands shake a lot and i don't use stencils! Plus I'm new to only painting the tips!) 

#5 WanderingWednesday..

Hey bloggers! Im fully aware that last Wednesday i did not do a 'Wandering Wednesday' post and I'm really sorry! Ive been so so busy just recently I've literally hardly had any time to myself at all.
As you know i decided to redecorate my room again, so that took up my time for a little bit...
Then I've not been well again, i don't know what it is with me but i seem to pick up all the germs! Following this i worked, and worked, and worked! Now that it is the Christmas months, my work is starting to get really busy and my shifts seem to be doubling. Im working practically full days now at the weekend and also during the week where i can pick any extra up!
After this my mum became poorly with what i had had (a stomach bug) so i had to look after her for a while and then i still carried on working long hours! Mum got better and i thought that it was all fine. I had a lot of things to look forward too...
Firstly on Sunday just gone i went to Alton Towers to see the fireworks! Id worked 9-5pm and got picked up from home at 5.50pm so i was completely knackered but it was so worth it they were lovely! My friends then went on the rides whilst i watched as I'm a scaredy cat! Then we headed home!
Monday was the best day & night I've had in a long long time! One of my best boy mates from uni who i haven't seen for 2 years drove all the way from Kent to spend some time with me! It was fab seeing him i miss him so much! We went to Walkabout for some food in the day with some of my other uni friends... then at night we all headed into town! (Pics below)
Yesterday following this Tom obviously went as he was heading to Nottingham to see some other friends before he goes to Paris on holiday (SO jell!) I was quite down yesterday, i didn't want him to go back at all but we both live two different but similar lives, but we just live at the other end of each others.. he lives south and i live north! Im looking forward to seeing him again soon, possibly after christmas!
And today is Wednesday! Ive not really done much today, its the first day where i have actually had chance to just sit down and do nothing! So here i am blogging with a nice cup of tea :) Ive applied for quite a few jobs, caught up on youtube subs, and done a little online Christmas shopping! Im just going to relax for the rest of the day and night now and look forward to Towie later!

Im not back in work until Friday, got a lovely 1-9pm shift to do (think of the money natalie!) .. & I'm not sure of what hours I'm working over the weekend yet. Next Wednesday i am being a fan girl and going to the JLS signing in Manchester for their new album, so excited!! I still have a haul to post for you guys so i will try to get that done soon,
In the mean time i hope you've all had a good week, and enjoy your weekend to come! Im 23 in two weeks so I'm on a countdown!

With Love

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Remember Remember the 5th of November!

Okay so today is the 6th, but I'm still going to celebrate Bonfire night seen as I've not yet seen a bonfire or any fireworks! Ive worked all day 9-5pm, Im knackery but I decided to go and watch the fireworks at Alton Towers! Crazy! ... It was £40.80 per adult to get in as it allowed access to the rides! But i luckily didn't have to pay that hehe!

Anyway heres a few pictures, Hoping you all had a good Halloween & Bonfire night!!


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