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Wednesday, 9 November 2011

New edition to Barry M..

So you all must know by now how much i love Barry M! Anyway this is just a quite post too show you my two most recent editions to my Barry M nail paint collection!

150 Red Glitter (137)
 54 Clear (139)

These two nail paints are amazing! Ive literally had so many comments about the red glitter one it is un true!

Firstly the clear on is a 'base coat, top coat and nail hardener' ... Please don't think that this is like any other clear nail varnish as it is not! I put this on as a base coat before putting the glitter paint on, then i put two coats on top thinking it would be the same as normal... wrong!! Omg this actually helps to seal in the colour and stops it from chipping! My job usually ruins my nails but with this on they were protected and had hardly any chips! Also it took me 30 solid minutes to take off my nail varnish seen as i put too much of this on so i would recommend just the one coat before and after!

Ono the red glitter... I saw this and thought thats really pretty, especially for christmas. I put it on and i was amazed! So much glitter my nails looked fab! Everywhere I've been people have asked me what nail paint it is and i know the shops by me have now sold out of it! I managed to get these two paints from Boots for £2.99 each on offer. Im unsure if you can get it from the Barry M website or not as i haven't checked!

The pictures you will see below are the red glitter with the clear on underneath and on top. You will see i currently only have my tips painted with it as it took me too long to take off the full nail paint so i didn't have long to re-paint them.

(please ignore any bodged bits as my hands shake a lot and i don't use stencils! Plus I'm new to only painting the tips!) 


  1. wowww amazing!! i love it <3

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    u can contact me at :

  2. aaaw thanks, now following :) x

  3. Awww great colour honey!!! I love that you have only gone for the tips too, fab idea :)

    It's a really Christmassy style, I might give it a go too!

    Niki @ LQM&M

  4. Heyy i'm a new follower, you have a reallycute blog layout! Love the colour of these nails, reminds me of chirstmas :)

    Georgie <3

  5. Thanks hun! now following you :) xx


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