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Saturday, 19 November 2011

Im as free as my hair...

So as you all know a while back i decided to try out a new product that Lee Stafford had launched. Basically it is called 'For hair that never grows past a certain length; treatment' (£7.99 for 200ml)  ... You can find my review on it here. It is simply a cream treatment that you put on between washes which helps to strengthen your follicles on the scalp to allow your hair to grow to its potential length. Im still using the same pot of this as i haven't been using it that much because i had my hair cut quite short, but for the past couple of weeks i have used it frequently and shall continue to do so.
Anyhow the other day before work i was wandering around boots and i noticed that some of the hair care products had offers on, and some of Lee Stafford's was included in this. I decided to purchase the 'Hair Growth' shampoo and conditioner so that i can get the maximum effects out of using all of the three products. The shampoo and conditioner retail at £6.99 each, but the current offer was two products for £9!

The shampoo and conditioner bottles are both 200ml bottles, so there is not much in terms of it being quite expensive for a shampoo/conditioner. The packaging is clearly pink just like the treatment tub, which i really like as it makes it stand out. The shampoo and the conditioner does have slightly more information on the packaging informing you of what it actually does...

'This scalp stimulating, moisture balancing shampoo with Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, helps to stimulate blood flow to the root of the hair, giving better body and leaving your scalp and hair feeling softer, smoother and healthier'
'Apple and Lemon Extracts add shine to your locks, whilst antioxidant Green Tea Extract helps protect your hair from environmental and heat damage, reducing free radical formation caused by UV and heat styling'

Ive used this product today for the first time. Im not too sure on my opinion at the moment as it is kind of a mixed reaction. My hair has gone super straight but still has volume which is always a bonus, but at the same time it does feel a little dry. I suppose i can't complain as it is not a normal shampoo conditioner which is quite thick in texture making your hair soft...  the whole point is to make your hair grow. Alls i can do for now is continue to use the products and once they have all ran out i shall let you know my thoughts, and whether i shall be continuing to buy them! I am hoping for them to work as i do want my hair to grow; dying it doesn't really help though!

Have you tried these products before? xxxxx
(All prices based on Boots)


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