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Wednesday, 9 November 2011

#5 WanderingWednesday..

Hey bloggers! Im fully aware that last Wednesday i did not do a 'Wandering Wednesday' post and I'm really sorry! Ive been so so busy just recently I've literally hardly had any time to myself at all.
As you know i decided to redecorate my room again, so that took up my time for a little bit...
Then I've not been well again, i don't know what it is with me but i seem to pick up all the germs! Following this i worked, and worked, and worked! Now that it is the Christmas months, my work is starting to get really busy and my shifts seem to be doubling. Im working practically full days now at the weekend and also during the week where i can pick any extra up!
After this my mum became poorly with what i had had (a stomach bug) so i had to look after her for a while and then i still carried on working long hours! Mum got better and i thought that it was all fine. I had a lot of things to look forward too...
Firstly on Sunday just gone i went to Alton Towers to see the fireworks! Id worked 9-5pm and got picked up from home at 5.50pm so i was completely knackered but it was so worth it they were lovely! My friends then went on the rides whilst i watched as I'm a scaredy cat! Then we headed home!
Monday was the best day & night I've had in a long long time! One of my best boy mates from uni who i haven't seen for 2 years drove all the way from Kent to spend some time with me! It was fab seeing him i miss him so much! We went to Walkabout for some food in the day with some of my other uni friends... then at night we all headed into town! (Pics below)
Yesterday following this Tom obviously went as he was heading to Nottingham to see some other friends before he goes to Paris on holiday (SO jell!) I was quite down yesterday, i didn't want him to go back at all but we both live two different but similar lives, but we just live at the other end of each others.. he lives south and i live north! Im looking forward to seeing him again soon, possibly after christmas!
And today is Wednesday! Ive not really done much today, its the first day where i have actually had chance to just sit down and do nothing! So here i am blogging with a nice cup of tea :) Ive applied for quite a few jobs, caught up on youtube subs, and done a little online Christmas shopping! Im just going to relax for the rest of the day and night now and look forward to Towie later!

Im not back in work until Friday, got a lovely 1-9pm shift to do (think of the money natalie!) .. & I'm not sure of what hours I'm working over the weekend yet. Next Wednesday i am being a fan girl and going to the JLS signing in Manchester for their new album, so excited!! I still have a haul to post for you guys so i will try to get that done soon,
In the mean time i hope you've all had a good week, and enjoy your weekend to come! Im 23 in two weeks so I'm on a countdown!

With Love

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