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Thursday, 17 November 2011

These boots were made for walking...

So i once again didn't manage to get a 'Wandering Wednesday' post to you all yesterday as i was mega busy... so i thought i would post this instead! Heres just a few pictures of my week since Sunday!
Sunday night after work i went to a local pub with a few mates for the pub quiz and a few well earned glasses of wine! Turned out to be a funny night! My next highlight was Tuesday, after working for ( hours i came out of work to find the amazing Coca-Cola Christmas truck in our town! It was so beautiful, just like the one off the tele! Lol. Following this i had a busy pamper night (which included using different Barry M nail paint for the colours of the boys!) as on Wednesday i got up at 5.10am, left the house at 6.10am and made my way to Manchester! I was planning on seeing JLS at their signing for their new album Jukebox. We arrived there at 7.30am, wristbands went meant to be given out until 8am, but it turned out 400 people decided to camp out on Tuesday night and they had all gone! So unfair! After this we decided to walk around Manny for a bit. I love it there, its where i want to live! I also went to the Trafford Centre as wel as being in Manchester Picadilly... There Christmas tree is amazing! It has eyes, nose & a mouth... AND it sings Christmas songs!! .... On the way back to the car i saw the amazing lamp that is posted as a picture above! Im not sure how much it was as i didn't have time to look... But it is so cool ha ha! After this we travelled back home, went for a meal then i came home and went to bed... tired wasn't the word!
Back to work for me tonight until Sunday! I wanted to go and see Braking Dawn Prt.1 tomorrow night but i think our local cinema is fully booked so il just have to wait!

Have a good weekend...
With love


  1. Oh how I love Christmas trees.... You have a great blog and I'm following now. Looking forward to seeing more!

  2. I love them too! So pretty :) Thanks for following... i shall return the favour and follow you now!

    Natalie x

  3. I wish I could see the coke truck! that would definitely make christmas!
    awww I live in things like the trafford centre tree are normal to me...its nice to see how exciting they are from a different point of view :) makes me appreciate it more!
    great blog


  4. Aaaw! Im not sure where else it is going, but i know it is touring! && Im so jel that you live in Manch, totally love it! xx


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