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Monday, 28 November 2011

Time goes by..

Sooo its been over a week since I've been able to blog! Ive been so so busy... I haven't forgotten you all though don't worry!
It was my birthday on the 22nd of Novemeber! I am now officially 23! Boooo! I spent the day working but then i went out for some yummy food at Frankie & Benny's with a few close friends which turned out to be a real lovely evening :)  Il post a few pictures for you all to see below this post!
Since then all i seem to of done is work! Ive picked up a lot more hours at work which I'm really happy about as it will obviously give me more wages for over the christmas period. Work itself is really busy because of christmas, so by the time i come home at night I'm just too shattered to do anything, but I'm going to try to blog a few posts ahead of schedule so that they're all up and ready :)
My no smoking is still continuing... it will be 3 weeks tomorrow! Which I'm really happy with!

Hope your all well! Enjoy the rest of you week <3


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