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Thursday, 17 November 2011

Plain & Simple!

A few people have been asking me about this shirt... So i thought id share it with you as a quick OOTD!

Please excuse the bit of mess that you can see of my room! It always gets messy as I'm getting ready... Im also hiding my face as i hadn't done my makeup at this point lol.

I was going for some food around a friends house, and seen as she was cooking i thought id make a little effort with my clothing... but as we weren't actually going anywhere i kept it plain and simple!

As you can see my hair is a normal undo... a high top bun!
Shirt: Dorothy Perkins, £17 (in the sale)
Leggings: Primark, £3
The shirt is actually longer at the back than it is at the front, its sleeveless as you can see... and the colour just stands out making a simple outfit that little bit better!



  1. I love the color of that shirt! :) Beautiful!


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