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Friday, 18 November 2011

Winter essentials!

Firstly let me say.. I cannot believe that it is November 18th already... half way through the month! Christmas is vastly approaching us, and the cold days/nights are slowly arriving. Its that time of the year were we need to take care of our skin as the cold can make it dry/sore. Here are just a few of my winter essentials to help protect myself from the horrid weather!
These are amiable from any beauty shop... Boots or Superdrug. They are all great value for money and last quite a long time! I use these on a daily basis... but as it tends to get colder i find myself using the body butter more as it is more thicker and gives more moisture!

Vaseline- Cocoa Butter, deep conditioning body lotion with cocoa butter and Vitamin E, 200ml £3.55
Vaseline- Cocoa Butter, smoothing body butter with cocoa and shea butters, 250ml £5.10
Vaseline- Petroleum jelly, 20g £1.40
Vaseline- Petroleum jelly; Rosy lips, 20g £1.99
(all prices are based upon buying online from Boots)

 You may wonder why all of these are 'Vaseline' ... Its because i find for my skin it is the best make to use. Johnson's for example always seems to leave a greasy feel, and it doesn't soak into my skin properly. The two Vaseline lip therapy pots are my most used. I use the original blue one all the time, and towards winter and then in summer i use the Rosy lips for just a hint of pink!

What are your winter essentials?

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